Baby Ruby (photos)

4 Days old
Just relaxing. 6.0MB, Taken 4/20/04
Ruby hanging out
yes, that sound at the end *is* what you think it is. 2.7MB, Taken ~ 5/15/04
Ruby starts to roll
and her Mom is so proud. 1.7MB, 6/24/04
Ruby laughing
at her pigglet puppet. 6.0MB, 9/02/04
Ruby for president.
A fresh perspective. 2.4MB, 9/01/04
Ruby for president II.
Tough on the issues. 2.4MB, 9/02/04
Ruby for president III.
A passion for the job. 2.8MB, 9/02/04
Ruby walks!
6.0MB, 7/12/05
Ruby walks more!
7.1MB, 7/12/05

Note: Videos are viewable in Windows Media Player. Either just click and watch as it downloads or right click and save file to download first and watch off your own computer.